I haven't been creating much of anything lately except these flowers...
I made some for my flip flops... I bought the flip flops at Kohls for a couple of dollars and now they are super cute instead of boring.
and some more for a gift for a friend.. they look so pretty on packages.
~~ If you want to learn how to make these flowers I have an online tutorial for them on my sidebar where i share step by step how to create them... they are fun and easy to make!!
Hope you are having a great memorial day! I have big plans tonight to drink some mojitos and make some jewelry... fun!
xoxo Heather
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When I first moved to this house last year I fell in love with all of the roses that were planted in the yard. The little old lady lived in this house before me loved roses... she died a year before I moved here. She had lived here for over 50 years. I love seeing all of the beautiful roses bloom that she so lovingly planted here.
This pink one is a showstopper right now... it is just filled with blooms..
so I have been picking some bouquets. ;)
Love the ruffled petals..
The neighbors told me that it was hard for her to keep up with her gardens in her later years but she would try the best she could. I can't help but think it makes her smile to see a young family living here now and tending to her beloved roses. :)
xo Heather
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Hey there! Ive been trying to do a little spring gardening this past week and planted these cute flower pots for around the house.. I love when they are all mixed matched... and love planting in old rusty buckets.
This is a basket I got as a gift from a wonderful friend for Mothers Day... how beautiful it is hanging on my front porch.
It is almost too hot for the pansies now ... but they are still looking good in my barrel.
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If you have been a reader of my blog in the past then maybe you know that I took a long break from posting over the past year. When I came back, I just sort of had the idea that I was going to post little things that make me smile just to try to get back into being creative again.
Last year I went through a divorce from my husband. We were married for 17 years. and because my blog is not a very "personal" place, mostly just crafting and decorating I struggled with a way to talk about what has been going on in my life, or to even talk about it at all. I decided to do this post because it is very hard sometimes for me to go back through my old posts and remember moments in my "old life" and pictures of my "old home. I would really just like to delete all of them and start fresh but have decided to just leave them as they are... as they are a part of my life and ultimately a part of me.
I won't sit here and drone on and on about this, and I don't plan to talk much about this in the future. This post is just a way for me to get it out, a fresh slate... a place to record that this is a new beginning for me and a new life, and if you were a reader then maybe you might have wondered what happened in my life.
Shortly after my seperation I found out I had thyroid cancer. I had to have a series of surgeries... and now my thyroid is completely removed, everything was treated and all is ok. Thyroid cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer and I only needed to have surgery and medicine to treat it so for that i am grateful. It was so very difficult to go through that during the divorce. I got my divorce papers, custody papers and tyroid cancer diagnosis all in the same month.
I am not the same person I was a year ago. I am truly forever changed. I am more humble and more understanding than I was before.. I have learned lessons about what love should be, and how important it is to see my own flaws, not just that of others to make a relationship work. I have given alot of thought to other women and the trials what we all go through in life, all the while trying to live up to what is expected of us. There were (and still are) days when I just want to pull the covers over my head and not come out. I have shut alot of my friends and family out of my life this past year, keeping all of them at a distance... not because I wanted to, but just because I feel like they didn't understand the incredible pain I was in. I am going to try to be better at that. Sometimes I get frustrated because I feel like I should just be over it already.. how long does it take to heal from this anyhow?
The good news is... I have a fresh start at life... my boys and I are ok, and we are all finding our way. My creativity has been an amazing healer for me. Every day I am just going to keep going... trying to find myself again. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right? I have never understood that saying more than I do right now at this moment in my life.
Lots of love to all of you..
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I covered some of these pretty glass candles with lace today... I am going to give one as a gift to a friend and keep the other two.
I love to buy these white holy candles in the glass jars... they burn a super long time and are very inexpensive. I buy them at "family dollar"... if you have one of those near you they are only $1.50 each. What I love about these candles is that they have no scent... I am always burning candles and too many scented ones burning can give me a headache!
these are the first little sprigs from my lilac bush... I am anxiously waiting for it to bloom fully.
the candles will look so pretty once the wax burns down a little and the lace pattern shows more through the glass. :)
have a great day!
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I lost my beloved Dedo this past week. I absolutly adored him and as I sat in the church at the funeral I kept thinking how absolulty blessed I am to have had this man in my life... and for my children to have been able to know their amazing great grandfather. This picture is him holding my oldest son at his baptism.
He lived a long life and died at 93 years old. He came to this country from Yugoslavia to make a fresh start like so many others after World War II... He suffered tremendous heartbreak during the war losing almost all of his family. He never would talk much about it though... he would just get tears in his eyes and tell me how blessed I am to live in this country.
I will never forget this man... he truly was the kindest and most loving grandfather and I only hope I will one day be as loved by my grandchildren as he was by his.
May you all have a wonderful Easter treasuring the ones you love.
xoxo Heather
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