Hello there! Over the last year I have offered a few online classes and since the closing of my website I didn't have them available for purchase for awhile. I wanted to tell you that if you ever wanted to catch up on one of my classes they are over there on my sidebar now... ;) I am hoping to have a new Christmas workshop this year too...
This is the Le Petit Chandelier online workshop... you can learn to make one of these for yourself with no soldering involved! Price is $12.00
Christmas is coming in a very few short months so I am excited to dig out my supplies to make the Sweet Messengers of Christmas garland & wreath again... I really loved this project so much... price is $10.00
and as an added project I made these cute burlap stockings! love those...
and finally if you ever wanted to create a vintage style art journal, this class shows you how step by step along with all the images you need to create it.. price is $13.50
All of the classes are available indefinitely so you can have lots of time to do them if you need. Hope you guys had a great weekend! talk to ya soon! xo Heather