One day I was in an antique shop looking at an old door and a lady told me about a place in the city called Construction Junction... she said they have a ton of old doors... and all sorts of recycled building materials taken out of old homes.
I had never heard of it! How could I have lived in this city for all my life... and had never KNOWN of Construction Junction!
I bugged my husband forever to take me there with his truck because I had a FEELING I would need a truck at a place called Construcion Junction! Finally I got tired of waiting for him, and truthfully I didn't really want him to go because you may remember he is not a fan of the whole door as art thing... so off I went... in my jeep... thinking that IF I found a door or some other treasures I will just shove it in there somehow. You wouldn't believe the things I fit in that thing.. or maybe you shove all sorts of things in your car too? lol
Let me just SAY... I pull into this place that looks like a garbage pit... there are TONS of recycling dumpsters. It is run by the city of Pittsburgh to encourage recycling of products and to cut down on waste. As soon as I walked through the dusty doors my heart about lept out of my chest! There are DOORS as far as the eye can see.... I mean, beautiful OLD all wood, heavy doors! Glorious I tell you!
In every shade imaginable... and about 80 percent of them are OLD! oh the chippy paint...
Some have beautiful details... and are VERY Tall
some of the doors with hardware like this one went all the way up to 100.00 in price... (which still is not BAD for a beautiful wood door)
But most of the regular sized doors were only 20.00!! what??? can you believe it?
I thought my friend Natasha would love this minty green door....
How sweet is this little buttercup??
Oh, maybe you need a lid for your toilet???
or some spindles??
or how about this super CUTE retro kitchen!!
or some BEAUTIOUS old columns...
ok ok, back to the doors heather... Now I have a plan to buy ONE door.. and only one. (that is all that will fit in my little jeep otherwise I may have left there with 10. I knew I wanted it to be white, not too chippy... didn't want paint falling everywhere, and I wanted it to be the right size for where I wanted it.
There were SO many choices... all of them beautiful!
this one was a little rough... but I love the glass insets.
it really boiled down to these two that I pulled out below...
I am kicking myself for not buying both... maybe I will go back for the other.
This dirty girl is the winner! .. yes I do call my doors girls... what sold me on this one was that beautiful bright white paint and the horizontal insets... just love those! All she needed was a good scrub and her shiny white paint will shine through! I can see the potential...
She is perfect! What do you think? I really love it... it is just the right size... only 20.00.... and the beautiful horizontal insets... and oh I do just love it.
So if you aren't so much into the door thing as art then you won't really GET this post... but for those of you who DO get the door thing... can you even believe how many beautiful doors can be in ONE place? I am telling you, you need to DRIVE to pittsburgh to visit me... and get you a door too! Or better yet... check your local city for a recycling center of building materials.
There were SO many parts to the recycling center that I didn't even get to look through... I can't wait to go back... I think I might need a door in every room. Mom if you are reading this... we need to go! but next time, I need a truck.
xoxo Heather